Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

We have had a wonderful holiday. A few weeks before Christmas we went to my cousin Lorie's house to decorate her tree, and found out that in rural Kentucky, the local fire department brings Santa to the neighborhoods to give out presents to all the kids. We just happened to be there at the right time on the right day. We heard the sirens, Lorie sent the girls out, and the truck stopped in front of her house so the girls could see Santa and get a gift. They received paper bags with fruit and candy. It was amazing. Ali was absolutely enchanted.

This year Ali was Mary in the Christmas pagent. Caden, a friend from Vacation Bible School who is not normally in church was Joseph (I sent his mom a message asking if he could be in it, it turned out wonderfully) and his baby sister Chasedyn was Jesus. Ali sang a solo, with Sarah Beth, Lorie's daughter accompyning her on paino. She sang "Come Little Children" quite beautifully; I am so proud of her.

After the pagent on Christmas Eve we headed to Lorie's house. This is the second year in a row we have spent it with her, and I can't imagine a better way here in Kentucky to spend it. Alison and Sarah are both only children, so they LOVE having another child around on Christmas morning to open presents with and play with. The funniest thing is every time I went upstairs to Sarah's room on Christmas day or the day after, they girls were at seperate ends of the room doing seperate things. They are very independent, but just love being able to say "Hey! Look at this!" and have someone there to run over. Lorie and her husband David are amazing hosts; I had a wonderful time stuffing stockings, then unstuffing them the next morning. We had crock-pot french toast for breakfast, a wonderful turkey dinner, tea, coffee, snacks, a wild game of Clue, many many games of Bingo and before we left Sunday night Lorie treated up to the one and only southern dish Hot Browns. Although we could have stayed longer, and I know Lorie would have loved to have had us longer, I really wanted to go while Ali and Sarah were still having a great time, before they got tired of one-another. It worked magically.

This Christmas we were able to take advantage of Skype. While opening presents we were able to see and talk to my Papa, then my sister, her husband my nieces and my Dad, then finally my Mom, Step-dad, sister, Nana and my nephew. It was wonderful.

I was fortunate to have toda off as well. I was able to clean the house (quite needed) and relax with Ali. I am back to work tomorrow for a short week, T-TH, then another long weekend. I don't know what I'll do when I have to work a full week again.

Merry Christmas.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weekly update

In an effort to update this on a regular basis, here is a weekly update...

Ali has had all kinds of good news this week. First, she got a dancing part in her school's winter show. Since her school is an arts integration school, the winter and sprng shows are HUGE. The entire school participates, mainly singing and doing hand motions / dance in place. A few kids (normally under 10) act out the story on stage, and then a few others (under 20) perform choreographed dances (in costume) on stage. She'll be on stage dancing. I have to say, I love Ashley Oldham, the dance and drama teacher. She chooses kids who have talent, but also kids who are all around good kids. At a Title 1 school where there are a lot of troubled kids who are somewhat coddled to (in an effort to turn them around before it is too late), being rewarded for being a good kid is fantastic.

Ali also found out today that she is going to be Mary in the Christmas Pagent at church. It is a pretty big deal. Again, she got the part not only because she can read and memorize and will do good, but because she is at church every Sunday, she participates in Sunday School (the Deacon has commented a few times on how deep she is) and she is always willing to fill in and acolyte when it is needed. Although I think all of these things are crucial for her upbringing and would have it no other way, her being rewarded for it is nice.

I have managed to completely mess up my back. I have a feeling it from doing push-ups and sit-ups wrong. At first it was between my shoulder blades, I stopped doing the push-ups and sit-ups and it was better after a few days. But then my lower back kicked in. I have hurt my lower back before, luckily this time it hasn't completely gone out on me. It hurts to move, to sit, pretty much anything. I am taking strong Naproxin and doing my best to rest it. I am considering trying to see a Chiropractor. I have to see if m new insurance covers it

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Someone who cares about me told me that I will find a guy as soon as I stop looking. Did I mention that this person is married? It is easy for her to say. I think it is probably closer to you find them, then stop looking, it just seems when you are looking back that it was the other way around. There are guys around, two in particular, but not really what I am looking for. One is "in love with me", texts me, wants to be my boyfriend, marry me, have a family. But I can't trust him. He has lied to me in the past, and I just refuse to be with someone I can't trust. The other guy, I like him; he's driven, putting himself through school, has a good job and is ina pretty high poistion for his age. He has a daughter a year younger than Ali who he is dedicated to, he owns a house. But, he's 25 (argh!) and just not in the same place I am. Although he texts me all the time (I guess that is the new talking on the phone) and I really enjoy talking to him, and did I mention is he gorgous? He just isn't where I am. So I am back to here. Saturday evening, watching a movie at home, probably in bed by 10. Sigh.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It has really been this long? I have to admit it has been a long and trying year. Things are once again in order; I have a good job, even benefits this time. We are in a pretty good place, but it has been so long since I have updated. Here is the last 9 months(ish)

Roller derby - still doing it. Still loving it. There's my helmet with the witch on it. Above a group shot (although missing quite a few people) and below my picture for the programs. I have been nominated for a Board of Directors position. Elections are next week.

Opening day for the Lexington Legends at Applebee park. Kind of crappy weather, but we had a fantastic time. Ali was even on TV during the 7th inning stretch helping lead "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"

At the pool with her friend Mesara.

We went to Herrington Lake a few times. That is Ali and Sarah (Lorie's daughter) getting some serious air tubing. Ali LOVES tubing now. What a difference a year makes!

Girl Scout camp! And by Girl Scout camp, I mean OVERNIGHT Girl Scout camp! Alison did two sessions of overnight camp, the first a 3 day one called "Caving Critters", the following week a 5 day one called "Pony Tails". She absolutely adored camp, did not want to come home. She now knows a whole bunch of camp songs that Julie and I learned growing up, plus a few of her own. She also has all kinds of fantastic little camp stories and traditions. Se slept in a platform tent and went to the bathroom in a latrine!

In the hay loft at the Preston's Farm in Nicholasvile. We had a wonderful gathering there hosted by the Prestons. Ali got to spend som etime with the Preston boys Sam and Charlie (not shown) and see a whole other side of them. You can't tell from the picture, but she was pretty high up in the hay loft. You can tell a little from the jump down (most kids climbed down, she chose to jump!)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

update update update

I have been substiute teaching and I love it. I have worked every day, I have been to about half the schools. Starting tomorrow I have a full week assignment at one of the High Schools; I am looking forward to going to the same place every day! I am hoping it will get me in the schools for the next school year. I am definately making great contacts.

Next Saturday Ali and I are flying out to Boston for spring break. I am really excited to be going back out there! I am hoping to go check out the Boston Derby Dames' practice, and I am looking forward to going to our old church in Peabody (and possibly Easter).

Today Alison acolyted for the first time at church. I was so proud. She wasn't scheduled but we did have acolyte group in the morning and when the opening presented itself she took it. She did a fantastic job.

Friday, January 22, 2010


What I didn't mention in my last post is that I was laid-off AGAIN. Argh! I had Monday off, I was laid off Tuesday morning. This time I didn't panic. My bills are paid, I have some money in my bank acocunt and tax season is coming up.

Being laid-off again got me to thinking. This is the second office job I have had since teaching. I can do books, I am pretty good at doing books, but I HATE it. I hate being in the office all day, I hate having little interaction with people and I hate having a job where I feel like I make no difference. So, I have decided to get back into teaching. It isn't that easy. My teaching license is not valid in KY. I am going to have to take more classes or get my Master's degree in order to hold a KY license. HOWEVER, I can get an emergency license for subbing. IF I can find a full time job, I can get a temporary license and teach while I take the classes needed for my KY license. So I finished my paperwork to sub here in Lexington. I should be eligible to start subbing next week. I am hopeful that as I sub I can get my name and rep (as a fantastic teacher) out there. I can make contacts and hopefully find a job teaching. I read this fantastic quote on facebook, I think it has always applied to me, but especially now.

"Sometimes you have to jump off cliffs and grow wings on the way down." - Ray Bradbury

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Derby derby derby

I am totally in love with roller derby. A few months ago I joined the league here in Lexington, Roller Girls for Central Kentucky (ROCK). I went to meetings to learn about the rules and regs and how the game is played. I attended practices and learned to lay the track, time the bouts and run the penalty box. In order to skate I needed full gear including skates, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, mouth guard and helmet. All in all it takes about $400 to get a good set together; something that has been WAAAAAAY out of my reach. Still I went and watched and learned. I got to know all of the members, amazing women who I love dearly. I know them all by their derby names, so I now have friends with al kinds of crazy names; Bjoink, Ragdoll Ruby, Rainbow Smite, Ellie Slay, Ryder Die, Sue Ture, Jessie Maims, Speedy Jenkins, Paralethal, Sugar Shock, Sharon Moonshine, Kitty O'Doom, Junk Drawer, Boom Boom. December I officially joined he league, paid my $30.00 dues. At that time, Ragdoll gave me her old helmet to use and Paralethal lent me her outdoor skates! I bought the rest of the gear (I got the cheap knee pads, good ones to come later) and got on the rink! Saturday was actually my first real practice, I caved in and got the cheap knee pads so I could get in the action. I love it! I am slow and I know it will be a long long time before I am bout-ready, but I love it. I am sore and bruised and love every minutes of it. The other day I told the vets "I don't mind hurting, I don't mind falling, but I hate sucking." They all insisted I don't suck (I know I do) but I know I will get better with time. After 3 months I get to register my name on the official derby site, my derby name is Salem Slammah, although I think I may just stick with Salem. Everyone calls me Salem, I think may just stick with it. Once I get some good pictures and we get our new website up I will definately post them and a link!